Fully equipped guestrooms in a 3-star hotel

Hotel Florent - Lier - Hotel

The rack rates for our guestrooms are shown below. For a price tailored to your stay, please send us an e-mail to info@hotelflorent.be

For Corporate Rates, contact info@hotelflorent.be for the attention of Erik or Viviane.

Room type

Buffet breakfast

Single115,00 €
Double130,00 €
Suite170,00 €

Our hotel is equipped with every modern comfort. Everything you would expect from a modern 3-star hotel. Free Wi-Fi, flatscreen TV, air-conditioning, etc.

If cancelled up to 24 hours before the date of arrival, no fee will be charged.

If cancelled later, 100 percent of the first night will be charged.

In case of no-show, the total price of the reservation will be charged.

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